INTRODUCTION: ‘Where Are We Going, Walt Whitman?’
SCREENING: ‘An Ecology of Mind’
ARTIST PRESENTATION: ‘Je est un autre’ by Ronald van Tienhoven & Laurence Aegerter

Weekly Lectures
November 21
LECTURE: ‘Divine Materials – The Poetics of Joy’ by Jacob Groot
LAUNCH: Open. Cahier on Art and the Public Domain, no. 24 on Politics of Things
ARTIST PRESENTATION: ‘Relational Thingness’ by Yvonne Dröge Wendel
SPOKEN COLUMN: ‘From Ecology Of Mind To Ecology Of ‘Self’’ by Willem van Weelden
November 28
SPOKEN COLUMN : ‘Saying no in/to democracy’ by Samuel Vriezen
KEY NOTE: ‘Future Calling: Being Human in a Networked Society’ by Nishant Shah
ARTIST CONTRIBUTION: ‘The Arbour Lake Sghool’ by John Frosst
December 05
SPOKEN COLUMN: ‘The Good the Bad and the Ugly: what’s so hot about being human anyway?’ by Simon Ferdinando.
GUEST PRESENTATION INCLUDING TWO ARTIST CONTRIBUTIONS: ‘Yes, Naturally’ by Ine Gevers & artists Sjaak Langenberg & Tea Mäkipää respectively.
KEY-NOTE: ‘Bodies That (Didn’t) Matter: Ecologies Of Art And Performance After The Anthropocene’ by João Florêncio.
January 30
SPOKEN COLUMN: ‘The Anthropocene in the Aesthetic Economy’ by Janice McNab
KEY-NOTE LECTURE: ‘What will the future bring us, Bookchin and Naess?’ by Marius de Geus
ARTIST CONTRIBUTION: ‘Invisible Images and Les Mains Négatives’ by Jeffrey Babcock
February 06
SPOKEN COLUMN: ‘Please Replace The Lamp’ – appreciation and superfluity by Clare Butcher
KEY-NOTE LECTURE: ‘Living in the Age of the World Motion Picture: Toward an Ecosophy of the Moving Image’ by ADRIAN IVAKHIV
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February 13
SPOKEN COLUMN: ‘I grew up in the hands of the gods’ by Arnisa Zeqo
KEY-NOTE LECTURE: ‘Contemporary Art and the Politics of Ecology’ by TJ Demos
ARTIST CONTRIBUTION: ‘Who cares about the local?’ by Subhankar Banerjee
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February 27
SPOKEN COLUMN: ‘…from the streets and town squares (back) to the meadows and gardens…’ by Christel Vesters
KEY-NOTE LECTURE: ‘Art as the Revelation of a World: Spinoza, Guattari and the New Materialist Alternative’ by Rick Dolphijn
LAUNCH: Roadmap and announcement of the upcoming conference-festival from 12th to 15th of March
Conference Festival
March 12
with: Diedrich Diederichsen, Anselm Franke, Erich Hörl, Flora Lysen, Angela Melitopoulos, The Otolith Group, Armin Linke
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March 13
with: Ei Awakara, Bracha Ettinger, Hope Step Japan, Sabu Kohso (Japan-Fissures in the Planetary Apparatus), Laka Foundation, The Otolith Group, Stefan Tcherepnin & Hanna Törnudd with Green Tea Gallery, Miya Yoshida. Organized by Binna Choi.
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March 14
with: With Erick Beltrán, Paul Chaney, Natasha Ginwala, Angela Melitopoulos,
Rosalind Morris, Olof Olsson, The Otolith Group and Vivian Ziherl.
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March 15
with: Ayreen Anastas, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Vinciane Despret, Rene Gabri, Fernando García-Dory, Marcos Lutyens
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Shadow Cabinets (masterclasses & more)
The Shadow Cabinets offer a side program to the main program in the Gym and consist of master classes and workshops, a cinema, a reading room, daily exhibitions in the Rietveld Academies Glass Pavilion and special projects in the hall of the main building.